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Offre d’emploi : bibliothécaire juridique en Irak — Oui, c’est sérieux

La responsable de la Documentation de la Cour pénale internationale vient de publier sur la liste LIS-LAW une offre d’emploi peu commune : Librarian Advisor en Irak.

L’essentiel du poste semble être résumé dans ce passage :

« Tsamota seeks a librarian currently employed in a law library or a
recently-retired professional
. The successful candidate will be
required to have a minimum of seven years of experience as a law
librarian, a sense of adventure and be fluent in English. Fluency in
classical Arabic
would be an immense advantage, although it is not a
strict requirement for this position as Tsamota employs language
assistants in the region. »

L’annonce complète :


Tsamota Ltd is a London-based consultancy which undertakes, inter
alia, justice-sector reforms projects in development and post-conflict
environments ranging from South-Eastern Europe, through the Middle
East, to South Asia.

Tsamota is currently undertaking a European Commission-funded, United
Nations Developments Programme-implemented project to establish a law
library at the Civil Appellate Court situated in the Rusafa district
of Baghdad. The constituent elements of this project involve
acquisition of books, shelving, furniture and IT equipment, the hiring
and mentoring of an Iraqi librarian, and the setting up of a
cataloguing system. An experiences Baghdad-based law librarian has
been retained by Tsamota to assist with this project ; Tsamota is
currently seeking to supplement the library-project team with a
European-based law librarian

Tsamota seeks a librarian currently employed in a law library or a
recently-retired professional. The successful candidate will be
required to have a minimum of seven years of experience as a law
librarian, a sense of adventure and be fluent in English. Fluency in
classical Arabic would be an immense advantage, although it is not a
strict requirement for this position as Tsamota employs language
assistants in the region.

Owing to the unstable security situation in Baghdad, the successful
candidate will be required to travel to Erbil – a safe city in the
Kurdish sector of Iraq – for five days of face-to-face training /
mentoring during the first half of May 2010. Participants will include
Tsamota’s Iraq law-library advisor, the Iraqi librarian newly-hired to
serve at the Appellate Court and the European-based advisor additional
mentoring will be required of the European-based law librarian,
although any work undertaken from outside of Iraq can be managed
around the existing full-time work commitments. The services provided
by the European-based law librarian outside of Iraq will consist
principally of advising Tsamota and the Iraqi partners on the creation
of a simple and user friendly electronic cataloguing system (in

Tsamota offers a competitive salary ; all costs, including medical
insurance, will be covered during the period of employment in Erbil.

Qualified candidates should submit a brief curriculum vitae (in
English or French), to Dr. William Wiley at wiley[AT]
2nd floor, 145-157 St John Street, London EC1V 4PY, United Kingdom